Educational Grants and Scholarships

What We Do > Educational Grants and Scholarships


The Conservation Society of San Antonio offers grants once a year for educational projects such as research, video production, publication printing and documents conservation—projects other than for the restoration of historic buildings.

THE APPLICATION FOR THE 2025 EDUCATION GRANTS WILL BE POSTED IN AUGUST. The link below outlines last year’s requirements and is subject to change.

THE APPLICATION WINDOW FOR 2024 BUILDING GRANTS HAS CLOSED.  If you are looking for a Grant to help with an educational focused project, please check back August 1, 2025 when the process opens again. Below is a link to the 2024 application for you to review as an example only. The 2025 Educational Grant Application will be made available August 1st. Thank you.

2024 Education Grant Application

Previous Grant Recipients

2024 Grant Recipients

Bexar County Heritage Center

Erika Arrendondo-Haskins

King William Association

Main Plaza Conservancy

Mexican American Civil Rights Institute

San Antonio Living History Association

Texas Heritage Project of American Indians in Texas at the Spanish Colonial Missions

Wilson County Historical Society

2023 Grant Recipients

Castro Colonies Heritage Association

The Order of Granaderos y Damas de Galvez

Villa Finale

2022 Grant Recipients

Canary Islands Descendants Association

Office of Historic Preservation

Texas Heritage Project of American Indians in Texas at the Spanish Colonial Missions

2021 Grant Recipients

GTI Environmental, LLC

Michael Carroll

San Antonio Public Library Foundation

2020 Grant Recipients

River Road Neighborhood Association

Texas Archeological Society

2019 Grant Recipients

Circle School Cooperative

City of San Antonio – Office of Historic Preservation

El Camino de San Antonio Missions

El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Assoc

Institute of Classical Architecture & Art

Power of Preservation Foundation

San Antonio Fire Museum

San Antonio Public Library Foundation

UTSA Center for Architectural Engagement

UTSA Department of Architecture

2018 Grant Recipients

Esperanza Peace & Justice Center

Power of Preservation Foundation

San Antonio Chapter of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art

San Antonio Public Library Foundation

2017 Grant Recipients

Michael Carroll

National Western Art Foundation dba Briscoe Western Art Museum

Villa Finale

2016 Grant Recipients

Castro Colonies Heritage Association

Hot Wells Conservancy

Patsy Pittman Light

2015 Grant Recipient

Power of Preservation

2014 Grant Recipients

Daughters of the Republic of Texas

Friends of Casa Navarro

Hot Wells Conservancy

2013 Grant Recipients

NSMA Oral History Project

SALHA Living History Education Program

2012 Grant Recipients

COSA – Office of the City Clerk, Municipal Archives & Records

Patrick H. Butler, III

UTSA Mexico Center

2011 Grant Recipients


S.T.A.R. (Students Together Achieving Revitalization)

Texas Public Radio

Wilson Pottery Foundation

2010 Grant Recipients

Opera Guild of San Antonio

Texas Public Radio

Villa Finale / National Trust Historic Site


sponsored by the Eleanor Freeborn Bennett Fund

The Board approved the Junior Association Scholarship for graduating High School Seniors.

Junior Associate Scholarship Application

  • Be a graduating senior.
  • Serve as a Junior Associates Officer for at least one year.
  • Attend at least 2 meetings for each of the past 2 years (as a Junior & Senior).
  • Present a program to the Junior Associates on the topic of preservation of historic buildings, objects, places or customs.
  • Write a one-page essay about what being a Junior Associates means to you and how it has prepared you for the future.
  • Complete and submit the scholarship application to the Junior Associates Committee at the Conservation Society office by the deadline of April 15th

Email: or
Mail: The Conservation Society of San Antonio
Attn: Junior Associates Committee
1146 S. Alamo Street, San Antonio, Texas 78210

  • By June 1st, the applicants will be notified of the results.

The Board of the Conservation Society of San Antonio established over the years two Endowments to fund Scholarships: The Eleanor Freeborn Bennett Educational Fund and The Brooks Martin, FAIA Scholarship Fund.

Eleanor Freeborn Bennett Educational Scholarship

The Board of Directors of the San Antonio Conservation Society Foundation has established the Eleanor Freeborn Bennett Educational Fund in memory of Eleanor Freeborn Bennett, who served as president of the Society from 1953 to 1955. The intent of the Fund is to further support the goals of the Foundation, particularly in educating others about the importance of preservation. Eleanor Bennett’s husband, Maj. Gen. John M. Bennett, and their children, Eleanor Marlow, Carolyn Wood, Davis Bennett and John Bennett, have endowed the Fund to perpetuate Eleanor’s ideals.

The University of Texas at San Antonio’s College of Architecture has been designated as a partner in support of this purpose. For more information about the San Antonio Conservation Society Eleanor Freeborn Bennett Educational Scholarship, visit the UTSA Department of Architecture’s website.

Eleanor Bennett

Eleanor Freeborn Bennett Educational Scholarship Recipients at UTSA School of Architecture

2024-2025 Scholarship Recipient
Christopher Cennamo and Patricia Santamaria
2023-2024 Scholarship Recipient
Suraj Bhandari and Mia Emley
2022-2023 Scholarship Recipient
Gabriela Garza and Karla Ruiz Huerta
2021-2022 Scholarship Recipient
Michael Broyles and Melissa Santos Romo
2020-2021 Scholarship Recipient
Bao Nguyen and Layla Isklandar
2019-2020 Scholarship Recipient
Andrea Poore and Alejandra Rodriguez Guajardo
2018-2019 Scholarship Recipient
Azadeh Sagheb
2017-2018 Scholarship Recipients
Jennifer Garza and Valeria Brizuela
2016-2017 Scholarship Recipient
Teresa Barker and Elsa De Leon
2015-2016 Scholarship Recipient
Tomci Abraham and Nancy Kambalia
2014-2015 Scholarship Recipient
Lance Lanoux and Mary Minor
2013-2014 Scholarship Recipient
Laura Shipley and Dennise Castillo
2012-2013 Scholarship Recipient
Laura Shipley, Levi Sanciuc, and Derek Klepac
2011-2012 Scholarship Recipient
Laura Carrera, Aleksandra Fulara, Brett Davidson, and Raul Baeza
2010-2011 Scholarship Recipient
Laura Carrera, Aleksandra Fulara, Brett Davidson, and Raul Baeza
2009-2010 Scholarship Recipient
Schuyler Costello, Catherine Alvarado, Edna Lorena Zepeda, and Ryan Schmidt
2008-2009 Scholarship Recipient
Nothing on file
2007-2008 Scholarship Recipient
Whitney Mida and Elisa Vasquez
2006-2007 Scholarship Recipient
Curtis Fish
2005-2006 Scholarship Recipient
Nothing on file
2004-2005 Scholarship Recipient
Arlette Perez, Juan F. Rueda, and Lorraine Munoz Trevino

San Antonio Conservation Society Foundation Scholarships Honoring Brooks Martin, FAIA

Begun in 1971, these scholarships honor esteemed San Antonio architect Brooks Martin (1913-1993).  They are awarded to outstanding students who show an interest in historical architecture, preservation, and adaptive reuse. Scholarships are awarded to undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate students in the accredited departments or schools of architecture in Texas. The scholarships may be used for historically related travel or to support any other preservation-related project. Requests for scholarship funding are to be directed through the Texas Architectural Foundation. All applications for TAF scholarships are made through the office of the dean. For more information, visit the Texas Architectural Foundation website.

Brooks Martin


2022-2023 Scholarship Recipients
Ms. Rashmi Gajare - University of Texas at Austin
2021-2022 Scholarship Recipients
Kathleen Conti - University of Texas at Austin
Manogna Kavuru - Texas A&M University
2020-2021 Scholarship Recipients
Kathleen Conti - University of Texas at Austin
Layla Iskandar-Akle - University of Texas at San Antonio
2019-2020 Scholarship Recipients
Barbara Cortizo de Aguiar - University of Texas at Austin
Irina Ness - University of Texas at San Antonio
2018-2019 Scholarship Recipients
Benjamin Baaske - Texas A&M University
Azadeh Sagheb - University of Texas at San Antonio
2017-2018 Scholarship Recipients
Kathleen Marie Conti - University of Texas at Austin
Anna Christine Nau - University of Texas at Austin
2016-2017 Scholarship Recipient
Kathryn Clarke - University of Texas at Austin
Willa Granger - University of Texas at Austin
2015-2016 Scholarship Recipient
Rosalie Ortega-Gose - Texas Tech University
Izabella Dennis - University of Texas at Austin
2014-2015 Scholarship Recipient
Dianel Budke - Texas Tech University
Soheil Hamideh - Texas A&M University
2013-2014 Scholarship Recipient
Betsy Frederick- Rothwell - University of Texas at Austin
Denise Hensley - Texas Tech University
2012-2013 Scholarship Recipient
Eric Steven James - Texas Tech University
Rachel Lane Bullock - University of Texas at Austin
2011-2012 Scholarship Recipient
Shima Baradaran
Mohajeri- Texas A&M
Yang "Cathy" Luo - Texas Tech University
2010-2011 Scholarship Recipient
Alexandra W. Lowers - Texas Tech University
Payal Vora - University of Texas at Austin
2009-2010 Scholarship Recipient
Tahinee M. Felix Marin - University of Texas at Austin
Li Tong - University of Texas at Austin
George Anthony Barrera - University of Texas at San Antonio
2008-2009 Scholarship Recipient
Erin Tyson - University of Texas at Austin
Serra Akboy - Texas A&M University
2007-2008 Scholarship Recipient
You-Kyong Ahn - Texas A&M University
Randy D. Wallace, Jr. - Texas Tech University
2004 - 2005 Scholarship Recipient
Brian Frels - Texas Tech University
Yevgeniya Teplitskay - U. T. Arlington
2003-2004 Scholarship Recipient
Emma Dawson - Texas Tech University
David J. Hasting - Texas Tech University
2002 – 2003 Scholarship Recipient
Michael D. Terranova - Texas Tech University
Ms. Trela Turnbough - Texas Tech University
2001 - 2002 Scholarship Recipient
Ryan McGuire - Texas Tech University
2001 - 2002 Scholarship Recipient
Crisi K. Cooper - Prairie View A&M University
Alexander K. (Sasha) Berghausen - University of Texas at Austin
2000 – 2001 Scholarship Recipient
Ms. Itohan Osayimwese - Rice University
1999 – 2000 Scholarship Recipient
Aimée Jalee Bond - Texas A&M University
Roxanna S. Cummings - Texas Tech University
1998 - 1999 Scholarship Recipient
Deborah Moore - Texas A&M University
Brett Elliot Zamore - Rice University
1997 - 1998 Scholarship Recipient
Aimée Lafleur St.Cyr - University of Houston
James Horn - Rice University
1996 - 1997 Scholarship Recipient
Rachel Preston - Texas A&M University
Yu-Wen Diana Huang - University of Houston
1995-1996 Scholarship Recipient
Laura Mann Gauthier - University of Houston
1994-1995 Scholarship Recipient
Karen Maurine Hyatt - Univ. of Texas at Arlington
1993-1994 Scholarship Recipient
Sharon E. Fleming - Texas Tech University
1992-1993 Scholarship Recipient
Matthew R. Carroll - Texas A&M University
1991-1992 Scholarship Recipient
Nothing on file
1990-1991 Scholarship Recipient
Moira D. Fitzgerald - University of Texas
1989-1990 Scholarship Recipient
Not awarded this year
1988-1989 Scholarship Recipient
Not awarded this year
1987-1988 Scholarship Recipient
Bess Althaus Graham - University of Texas
1986-1987 Scholarship Recipient
Ann K. Yoklavich - University of Texas, Austin TX
1985-1986 Scholarship Recipient
Gail R. Hook - University of Houston
1984-1985 Scholarship Recipient
V. Nia Dorian-Becnel  - University of Houston
1983-1984 Scholarship Recipient
Mark Yoes - Rice University
1982-1983 Scholarship Recipient
John Brown - University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
1981-1982 - Scholarship Recipient
Adalberto M. Navar
1977 Scholarship Recipient
Robert Steinbomer
1971 Scholarship Recipient
First Recipient of the Texas Historic Resources Fellowship
David Hoffman

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