San Antonio Conservation Society Position Statement

Historic and Design Review Commission (HDRC)

October 17, 2018

Everyone knows the slogan, “Turn Around Don’t Drown,” reminding drivers to avoid flooded roads.  New construction in historic districts presents less danger, but has its own set of challenges.  Architects, builders, and home owners need to remember to, “Scale Back Don’t Detract.”

Whether building an addition or infill development in a historic district, new construction needs to be compatible in scale and massing with the existing  housing stock.

We suggested that the designs for the accessory building at 118 Sweet and the nine townhomes proposed for  311 E. Courtland needed revision to better complement the surrounding structures.   HDRC approved Sweet with staff stipulations, but referred Courtland to Design Review.

Spread the word: “Scale Back Don’t Detract!”

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