Historic and Design Review Commission (HDRC) – June 5, 2019
Seven residential cases went to HDRC for violations of historic design guidelines. These violations included a variety of inappropriate work done prior to project approval, such as replacing original wood windows with vinyl ones. In a general statement, we supported the Office of Historic Preservation’s recommended remedies and urged property owners to follow the historic design guidelines.

Great minds think alike. The applicant for a single blade sign on the recently renovated Burns Building at 106 Jefferson withdrew this request to work on a signage policy for the entire building. Our statement encouraged this holistic approach. It also stipulated that the signs remain in keeping with the historic character of the building.
Lastly, we voiced our concerns that a shipping container at 403 Saint Anthony did not make a compatible accessory structure for the 1920s frame house. Architect Frederick B. Gaenslen, known for his work on several prominent local Catholic schools, designed this individually landmarked house. The HDRC approved use of the shipping container provided it was removed within two years.