
Get Involved > Volunteer
Three photos compiled into a collage that show volunteers from three different events

Interested in volunteering? We could not do all we do without the help of volunteers!
We have many opportunities throughout the year with various committees. Check out some of them below:

Did you know NIOSA is the largest event held for the benefit of Historic Preservation every year? Thousands of volunteers are need to set up, run the booths, and tear-down after the last cascarone is cracked.

If this sounds up your alley, contact NIOSA by clicking HERE!

Ever wondered how the booths at NIOSA get all their colorful flowers? Or where we come up with the thousands of cascarones revelers enjoy every year? They are all made by volunteers that meet year-round, every Thursday, at the River House, located behind the Edward Steves Homestead at 509 King William Street, San Antonio TX 78209.

No experience? No problem! Contact NIOSA for more information 210-226-5188.

The Conservation Society library is a unique resource for research, focusing primarily on the history of San Antonio, its architecture, and its natural environment. The library houses a variety of collections, including books, clippings files, photographs, maps, architectural drawings, and oral histories. One full-time librarian oversees the daily operations of the library, assisted by a small group of dedicated volunteers.

Volunteers not only assist with research requests as needed, but also perform many of the “behind-the-scenes” tasks required to keep the library functioning. Typical projects include cataloging, collection inventory and care, and keeping our files up to date with recent articles on preservation/planning issues and local history.  Basic computer skills are useful, but not always required. For more information, please click here

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