National Historic Preservation Month

National Historic Preservation Month

"The Architecture of Modern American Synagogues, 1950's-1960's"

Dr. Anat Geva explores how American synagogues of the 1950s and 1960s express American Jewry’s resilience in continuing their physical and spiritual identity, while embracing modernism, American values, and landscape. In addition, she discusses preserving the recent past (e.g., mid 20th century architecture). Sacred architecture from this era faces a number of preservation challenges, including changes in demographics, faith rituals, building codes, and energy conservation.

ANAT GEVA is a professor of architecture at Texas A&M University, a registered architect in Israel, and AIA associate member. She is the author of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Sacred Architecture: Faith, Form, and Building Technology; Modernism and American Mid 20-Century Sacred Architecture; and coauthor of Israel as a Modern Architectural Experimental Lab, 1948–1978.

A Live Celebration of National Preservation Month.

National Historic Preservation Month: The National Trust for Historic Preservation created National Historic Preservation Month in 1973 to highlight local preservation efforts. Preservation Month is observed each year in May and celebrates community culture and the historic structures that have shaped a local sense of place.

This year, we need your support to save the Institute of Texan Cultures Building at Hemisfair!

Please sign our petition, share it with your friends, and visit our Latest News page to learn more about this endangered National Register site.  The building was designed by Mexican American architect William M. Pena as the Texas Pavilion for the 1968 World’s Fair in San Antonio.

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