West side of the Alamo Cenotaph with the walls of the Long Barrack and the Emily Morgan Hotel in the background.
Dedicated in 1940, the cenotaph survived proposals in the 1970s, ’80s, and ’90s to move it.

On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, the Texas Historical Commission (THC) will meet to discuss granting a permit for Phase 1 of the Alamo Plan, which includes relocation of the Cenotaph.

If you want to voice your views, you will need to submit your comments to the THC by 8 PM on Monday, September 21st. The easiest way is to use the THC public comment form – see tip below.

This meeting will be available to watch live on Zoom. Registration is required.

You can view the full agenda and meeting packet online.  The Cenotaph proposal is agenda item #6 (starts on p. 43).


On Question 7 of the online response form, you will have three options:

  • Choose either of the first two options if you do not wish to speak during the meeting, but want to register your opinion on the Cenotaph (your opinion will be distributed to all Commissioners, but not read aloud during the meeting.
  • Or, choose the third option if you do wish give public comment during the meeting (you must be registered and on the live meeting to give your comment when your name is called, time will be limited according to the number of speakers).

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