To celebrate Historic Preservation Month, the Coalition for the Woolworth Building is creating a Virtual Video March on Thursday, May 21 in front of the Woolworth Building on Alamo Plaza. The goal is to record 10-20 second testimonials from the public about the significance of the Woolworth Building as a Civil Rights landmark, its importance to San Antonio, its designation as a State Antiquities Landmark and its inclusion on the 2020 World Monuments Watch List. Coalition member organizations, The Conservation Society of San Antonio and the San Antonio African American Cultural Archive and Museum (SAAACAM) are working together on this project.
Here are the steps to participate:
1. Call 210-224-6163 or email the Conservation Society of San Antonio to reserve your arrival time on Thursday, May 21, between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM or 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM.
2. Prepare a 10-20 second statement on the importance of this historic landmark.
3. Show up at your appointed time in your “Save the Woolworth” T-shirt. (If you do not have a T-shirt, they are available FREE from the Conservation Society for those participating in the videos.) The Woolworth Building is located at 518 E. Houston Street (on the southwest corner of E. Houston and S. Alamo Streets across from the Alamo).
4. A technician will be onsite to record your statement at a safe distance.
You will have access to all recorded videos through SAAACAM and the Society.