April 21, 2020

New logo for A Night in Old San Antonio

Time to party at home like it’s 2019!  Join us on NIOSA’s Facebook page tonight as we celebrate a virtual opening of A Night in Old San Antonio.  Start rounding up your plastic cups and pinning on your medals, we kick off at 5:30 PM!

We’ll be able to watch videos together, share photos, and compete in NIOSA-themed contests.  Check out this history of NIOSA in photos while you’re waiting.

Wonder where all the money we’ve raised goes? We’ll show you the many great preservation activities A Night in Old San Antonio has funded over the years.  That’s why your continued support is so important.  You can get in the Fiesta spirit and support a worthy cause by shopping the NIOSA store for colorful collectibles. And, of course, be sure to join us in November for the real thing!


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