Our first vice president delivered several statements at both the Zoning and the Historic and Design Review Commissions.  Most of the cases we commented on involved landmark designations.  These designations, which include a zoning overlay, protect historically significant properties and encourage their continued use through tax incentives.

Zoning Commission – February 4, 2020

413 E. Mistletoe

The owner of this 1914 Craftsman style home received a finding of historic significance from the Historic and Design Review Commission (HDRC).  Zoning was the next step towards designation and the Zoning Commission approved the historic overlay for the property.  Read our statement.

4007 S. Flores

The owner of the 1926 Toudouze Building opposed landmark designation. However, we agreed with Office of Historic Preservation staff that the building played an important role in San Antonio’s commercial history and met other criteria for historic significance.  The Zoning Commission decided to continue hearing this case on February 18th.  Read our statement.

2914 Pleasanton Road

This Mediterranean Revival style house received historic designation many years ago, but the current owner wants that designation removed.  Previously, the HDRC had determined that the house retained its historic significance and should remain a landmark.  The owner requested a continuation of the case for March 17th.  Read our statement.

Historic and Design Review Commission (HDRC) – February 5, 2020

4007 S. Flores

The HDRC approved landmark designation despite the owner’s continued opposition, sending the case back to Zoning.  Our statement remained the same as previously presented to Zoning.

410 E. Nueva – La Villita Historic District

Some commissioners shared our concerns about the dark grey colors chosen for St. John’s Square apartments. However, the commission approved the project with staff stipulations.  These included bringing new color choices to the Office of Historic Preservation.  Read our statement.

First Vice President, Virginia Van Cleave, delivered our statement.  She was quoted in the San Antonio Business Journal and mentioned in the San Antonio Express-News coverage.

214 Lotus Street

Although marketed as a historic property within the last year, this c. 1909 Queen Anne Victorian faces the threat of demolition from its current owner.  Lotus Street lies within the Lavaca neighborhood where many  historic homes have been successfully renovated.  The commission approved the Office of Historic Preservation’s request for a finding of historic significance as the first step towards designation.  Read our statement.

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